Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Newness of Being a Mom

You have a new baby and you just stare, and watch her. Every second, every move. At what point did you just fall so head over heels you started to cry? That surge of pure emotion because you've never loved any one thing more? The amazement that this little thing was inside you for so long. And she's all yours.

Yeah, I remember when I did that with my two. And everyday I look at them and still can't believe they're mine. You'd think I'd get over it by now, 3 years later. Nope, they never cease to amaze you.

This is Hanna when she was 3 weeks old; so fresh and new...and little. I remember her Mommy and I on the phone preparing for her maternity session and me asking what she was going to name her. I was so floored when I found that we have the exact same first and middle name for our daughters! Crazy, huh? Same names but different spellings. My Hannah is 15 months older; I told her giving your girl the name Hannah means she will be fiesty (in my experience). So far at 3 weeks she was an angel.

PS, I will put Mommy's awesome maternity session in another post.

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